/**OS SCROLLBAR**/ ;(function($) { var isMsie = false; if ( navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([0-9]+)\./) ) { isMsie = true; $('body').addClass('internet-explorer'); } var scrollbarWidth = 0; $.getScrollbarWidth = function() { if ( !scrollbarWidth ) { if ( isMsie ) { var $textarea1 = $('') .css({ position: 'absolute', top: -1000, left: -1000 }).appendTo('body'), $textarea2 = $('') .css({ position: 'absolute', top: -1000, left: -1000 }).appendTo('body'); scrollbarWidth = $textarea1.width() - $textarea2.width(); $textarea1.add($textarea2).remove(); } else { var $div = $('
') .css({ width: 100, height: 100, overflow: 'auto', position: 'absolute', top: -1000, left: -1000 }) .prependTo('body').append('
').find('div') .css({ width: '100%', height: 200 }); scrollbarWidth = 100 - $div.width(); $div.parent().remove(); } } return scrollbarWidth; }; })(jQuery); /** * jQuery Unveil * A very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images * http://luis-almeida.github.com/unveil * * Licensed under the MIT license. * Copyright 2013 Luís Almeida * https://github.com/luis-almeida */ ;(function($) { $.fn.unveil = function(threshold, callback) { var $w = $(window), th = threshold || 0, retina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1, attrib = retina? "data-src-retina" : "data-src", images = this, loaded; this.one("unveil", function() { var source = this.getAttribute(attrib); source = source || this.getAttribute("data-src"); if (source) { this.setAttribute("src", source); if (typeof callback === "function") callback.call(this); } }); function unveil() { var inview = images.filter(function() { var $e = $(this); if ($e.is(":hidden")) return; var wt = $w.scrollTop(), wb = wt + $w.height(), et = $e.offset().top, eb = et + $e.height(); return eb >= wt - th && et <= wb + th; }); loaded = inview.trigger("unveil"); images = images.not(loaded); } $w.on("scroll.unveil resize.unveil lookup.unveil", unveil); unveil(); return this; }; })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto); /******************************************************************************/ /** Smart Resize **/ ;(function($,sr) { // debouncing function from John Hann // http://unscriptable.com/index.php/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/ var debounce = function (func, threshold, execAsap) { var timeout; return function debounced () { var obj = this, args = arguments; function delayed () { if (!execAsap) func.apply(obj, args); timeout = null; }; if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); else if (execAsap) func.apply(obj, args); timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100); }; } // smartresize jQuery.fn[sr] = function(fn){ return fn ? this.bind('resize', debounce(fn)) : this.trigger(sr); }; })(jQuery,'smartresize'); /******************************************************************************/ ;(function($) { /** * Copyright 2012, Digital Fusion * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://teamdf.com/jquery-plugins/license/ * * @author Sam Sehnert * @desc A small plugin that checks whether elements are within * the user visible viewport of a web browser. * only accounts for vertical position, not horizontal. */ $.fn.visible = function(partial) { var $t = $(this), $w = $(window), viewTop = $w.scrollTop(), viewBottom = viewTop + $w.height(), _top = $t.offset().top, _bottom = _top + $t.height(), compareTop = partial === true ? _bottom : _top, compareBottom = partial === true ? _top : _bottom; return ((compareBottom <= viewBottom) && (compareTop >= viewTop)); }; })(jQuery); /******************************************************************************/ (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; var vendorScriptsUrl = oshineModulesConfig.vendorScriptsUrl, dependencies = oshineModulesConfig.dependencies || {}; // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'backgroundcheck.js', 'backgroundcheck' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'backgroundposition.js', 'backgroundposition' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'countdown.js', 'countdown' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'easing.js', 'easing' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'easypiechart.js', 'easypiechart' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'fitvids.js', 'fitvids' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'fullscreenheight.js', 'fullscreenheight' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'hoverdir.js', 'hoverdir' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'isotope.js', 'isotope' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'justifiedgallery.js', 'justifiedgallery' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'magnificpopup.js', 'magnificpopup' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'mousewheel.js', 'mousewheel' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'owlcarousel.js', 'owlcarousel' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'photoswipe.js', 'photoswipe' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'resizetoparent.js', 'resizetoparent' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'rotate.js', 'rotate' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'typed.js', 'typed' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'waypoints.js', 'waypoints' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'imagesloaded.js', 'imagesloaded' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'beslider.js', 'beslider' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'vivusSVGanimation.js', 'vivusSVGanimation' ); // asyncloader.register( vendorScriptsUrl+'tilt.js', 'tilt' ); if( 'undefined' != typeof dependencies ) { for( var dependency in dependencies ) { if( dependencies.hasOwnProperty( dependency ) ) { asyncloader.register( dependencies[ dependency ], dependency ); } } } var directionalHover = function( element ) { asyncloader.require( 'hoverdir', function() { var elementInner = element.find( '.element-inner' ); if( element.hasClass('style3-hover') ) { elementInner.each(function () { jQuery(this).hoverdir(); }); } else if( element.hasClass('style4-hover') ) { elementInner.each(function () { jQuery(this).hoverdir({ inverse: true }); }); } }); }; var photoswipe = function( gallerySelector ) { asyncloader.require( 'photoswipe', function() { var parseThumbnailElements = function(el) { var items = [], el, childElements, thumbnailEl, size, item; var anchor = jQuery(el).find('a.thumb-wrap'); anchor.each( function() { size = jQuery(this).attr('data-size').split('x'); item = { src: jQuery(this).attr('href'), w: parseInt(size[0], 10), h: parseInt(size[1], 10), author: jQuery(this).attr('data-author') }; item.title = jQuery(this).attr('title'); item.el = jQuery(this); item.o = { src: item.src, w: item.w, h: item.h }; items.push(item); }); return items; }; // find nearest parent element var closest = function closest(el, fn) { return el && ( fn(el) ? el : closest(el.parentNode, fn) ); }; var onThumbnailsClick = function(e) { e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; var eTarget = e.target || e.srcElement; if(!clickedListItem) { return; } var clickedGallery = clickedListItem.parentNode; var childNodes = clickedListItem.parentNode.childNodes, numChildNodes = childNodes.length, nodeIndex = 0, index; for (var i = 0; i < numChildNodes; i++) { if(childNodes[i].nodeType !== 1) { continue; } if(childNodes[i] === clickedListItem) { index = nodeIndex; break; } nodeIndex++; } if(index >= 0) { openPhotoSwipe( index, clickedGallery ); } return false; }; var photoswipeParseHash = function() { var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1), params = {}; if(hash.length < 5) { // pid=1 return params; } var vars = hash.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { if(!vars[i]) { continue; } var pair = vars[i].split('='); if(pair.length < 2) { continue; } params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } if(params.gid) { params.gid = parseInt(params.gid, 10); } if(!params.hasOwnProperty('pid')) { return params; } params.pid = parseInt(params.pid, 10); return params; }; var openPhotoSwipe = function(index, galleryElement, disableAnimation) { var pswpElement = document.querySelectorAll('.pswp')[0], gallery, options, items, history = true; if( jQuery('body').hasClass('all-ajax-content') ){ history = false; } items = parseThumbnailElements(galleryElement); //Parse Demo Gallery // define options (if needed) options = { index: index, history: history, galleryUID: galleryElement.attr('data-pswp-uid'), getThumbBoundsFn: function(index) { // See Options->getThumbBoundsFn section of docs for more info var thumbnail = items[index].el.find('img')[0], pageYScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop, rect = thumbnail.getBoundingClientRect(); return {x:rect.left, y:rect.top + pageYScroll, w:rect.width}; }, addCaptionHTMLFn: function(item, captionEl, isFake) { if(!item.title) { captionEl.children[0].innerText = ''; return false; } captionEl.children[0].innerHTML = item.title; //+ '
Photo: ' + item.author + ''; return true; } }; var radios = document.getElementsByName('gallery-style'); for (var i = 0, length = radios.length; i < length; i++) { if (radios[i].checked) { if(radios[i].id == 'radio-all-controls') { } else if(radios[i].id == 'radio-minimal-black') { options.mainClass = 'pswp--minimal--dark'; options.barsSize = {top:0,bottom:0}; options.captionEl = false; options.fullscreenEl = false; options.shareEl = false; options.bgOpacity = 0.85; options.tapToClose = true; options.tapToToggleControls = false; } break; } } if(disableAnimation) { options.showAnimationDuration = 0; } // Pass data to PhotoSwipe and initialize it gallery = new PhotoSwipe( pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options); var realViewportWidth, useLargeImages = false, firstResize = true, imageSrcWillChange; gallery.listen('beforeResize', function() { var dpiRatio = window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1; dpiRatio = Math.min(dpiRatio, 2.5); realViewportWidth = gallery.viewportSize.x * dpiRatio; if(realViewportWidth >= 1200 || (!gallery.likelyTouchDevice && realViewportWidth > 800) || screen.width > 1200 ) { if(!useLargeImages) { useLargeImages = true; imageSrcWillChange = true; } } else { if(useLargeImages) { useLargeImages = false; imageSrcWillChange = true; } } if(imageSrcWillChange && !firstResize) { gallery.invalidateCurrItems(); } if(firstResize) { firstResize = false; } imageSrcWillChange = false; }); gallery.listen('gettingData', function(index, item) { //if( useLargeImages ) { item.src = item.o.src; item.w = item.o.w; item.h = item.o.h; // } else { // item.src = item.m.src; // item.w = item.m.w; // item.h = item.m.h; // } }); gallery.init(); }; var galleryElements = jQuery(gallerySelector); var i = 0; galleryElements.each( function() { var $this = jQuery(this); $this.attr('data-pswp-uid',i+1); $this.off('click'); $this.on('click', 'a.thumb-wrap', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); openPhotoSwipe(jQuery(this).closest('.element').index(), $this ); }); i++; }); // Parse URL and open gallery if it contains #&pid=3&gid=1 var hashData = photoswipeParseHash(); if(hashData.pid > 0 && hashData.gid > 0) { openPhotoSwipe( hashData.pid - 1 , galleryElements.eq( hashData.gid - 1 ), true ); } }); }; jQuery(document).ready( function() { var $window = jQuery( window ), $body = jQuery('body'); var oshine_modules = (function() { var ajax_url = jQuery( '#ajax_url' ).val(), tatsuCallbacks = {}, testimonialCarousel, portfolioElement = jQuery( '.element' ), animatedChartsWrap = jQuery( '.chart' ), skillsWrap = jQuery( '.be-skill' ), svgModules = jQuery( '.oshine-svg-icon:not( .svg-line-animate )' ), svgAnimateModules = jQuery( '.svg-line-animate' ), svgAnimateModulesCount = svgAnimateModules.length, alreadyVisibleIndex = 0, scrollInterval, didScroll = false, countDown = function( shouldUpdate ) { var countdownWrap = jQuery( '.be-countdown' ), countdownScripts = ( oshineModulesConfig.dependencies.countdownLangFile ) ? [] : 'countdown'; if( !shouldUpdate ) { if( countdownWrap.length > 0 ) { asyncloader.require( countdownScripts, function() { countdownWrap.each( function() { var $this = jQuery(this); var $date = parseDate( $this.attr( 'data-time' ) ); //moment( $this.data().time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').toDate(); $this.countdown({until: $date}); }); }); } } else { countdownWrap.each( function() { var $this = jQuery(this); var $date = parseDate( $this.attr( 'data-time' ) ); //moment( $this.data().time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').toDate(); $this.countdown( {until: $date} ); }); } }, parseDate = function(dateAsString) { return new Date(dateAsString.replace(/-/g, '/')) }, iconGrid = function(shouldUpdate) { var iconGridWrap = jQuery( '.grid-wrap' ); if( iconGridWrap.length > 0 ) { iconGridWrap.each(function () { //if( !jQuery(this).hasClass('changed') ) { var $this = jQuery(this), $col = Number( $this.attr( 'data-col' ) ), i, $gridColumn = $this.find('.grid-col'), $length = $gridColumn.length; // $this.addClass('changed'); $gridColumn.css('width', 100 / $col + '%'); $this.find('.grid-col:nth-of-type(' + $col + 'n)').css('border-right', 'none'); for (i = 0; i < $length; i += $col) { $gridColumn.slice(i, i + $col).wrapAll("
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} else { $this.css('margin-right', $gutter + 'px'); } // $this.css('margin-bottom', $gutter + 'px'); $this.css( 'opacity', 1 ); }); } if( animatedIconModuleTwo.length > 0 ) { animatedIconModuleTwo.each(function(){ var $this = jQuery(this), $normal_content_height = 0, $hover_content_height = 0, $module_height = 0, $max_module_height = 0, i=1, $animatedModule = $this.find('.animate-icon-module-style2'); // Find the Height of the Tallest Sibling $animatedModule.each(function () { var $this_module = jQuery(this); $normal_content_height = Number( $this_module.find('.animate-icon-module-style2-normal-content').innerHeight() ); $hover_content_height = Number( $this_module.find('.animate-icon-module-style2-hover-content').innerHeight() ); $module_height = $normal_content_height + $hover_content_height; if( jQuery(window).width() <= 960 ){ $this_module.closest('.animate-icon-module-style2-wrap').css('height', 'auto'); $this_module.find('.animate-icon-module-style2-inner-wrap').css('height', $module_height + 115 + 'px'); } else{ if( i == 1 ){ $max_module_height = $module_height; } else{ if($module_height >= $max_module_height){ $max_module_height = $module_height; } } i = i+1; } }); if(jQuery(window).width() > 960){ $this.css('height', $max_module_height * 2 + 40 + 'px'); $this.find('.animate-icon-module-style2-inner-wrap').css('height', 'auto'); } $animatedModule.css( 'opacity', 1 ); }); } }, animatedCharts = function( shouldUpdate ) { //var animatedChartsWrap = jQuery( '.chart' ); if( animatedChartsWrap.length > 0 ) { asyncloader.require( 'easypiechart', function() { animatedChartsWrap.each(function (i) { var $this = jQuery(this); //$options = $this.data(); if ( $this.visible(true) ) { $this.easyPieChart({ animate : 1000, barColor : $this.attr( 'data-bar-color' ), // $options.barColor, trackColor : $this.attr( 'data-track-color' ), //$options.trackColor, scaleColor : $this.attr( 'data-scale-color' ), // $options.scaleColor, size : $this.attr( 'data-size' ), //$options.size, lineWidth : $this.attr( 'data-line-width' ), //$options.lineWidth, onStep : function (from, to, percent) { $this.find('.percentage').text(Math.round(percent)); } }); } }); }); } }, progressBar = function() { var skillsContainer = skillsWrap.closest('.skill_container'); if( skillsContainer.length > 0 ) { skillsContainer.each(function () { if( jQuery(this).hasClass('skill-vertical') ) { var $width = (100 / jQuery(this).find('.skill-wrap').length) + '%'; jQuery(this).find('.skill-wrap').css('width', $width).css('display', 'block'); } else { jQuery(this).find('.skill-wrap').css( 'width', '100%' ); } }); } if( skillsWrap.length > 0) { skillsWrap.each(function (i) { var $this = jQuery(this), $animate_property = 'width'; if ( $this.visible(true) ) { if ( $this.closest('.skill_container').hasClass('skill-vertical') ) { $animate_property = 'height'; } $this.css( $animate_property, $this.attr( 'data-skill-value' ) ); } }); } }, justifiedGallery = function() { var justifiedGalleryWrap = jQuery( '.justified-gallery' ), itemsToLazyLoad = jQuery(); if( justifiedGalleryWrap.length > 0 ){ var sequentialReveal = function(elements) { if( null != elements && elements.length ) { if( elements.closest('.justified-gallery').hasClass( 'none' ) ) { elements.find('.flip-img-wrap').addClass('img-loaded'); return; } elements.each(function(index, element) { setTimeout(function() { jQuery(element).find('.flip-img-wrap').addClass('img-loaded'); }, index * 200); }); } }, updateLazyLoadItems = function( elements ) { itemsToLazyLoad = itemsToLazyLoad.add(elements); }, lazyLoad = function() { if( 0 < itemsToLazyLoad.length ) { var visibleImages = itemsToLazyLoad.filter(function() { var $e = jQuery(this), wt = $window.scrollTop(), wb = wt + $window.height(), et = $e.offset().top, eb = et + $e.height(); return eb >= wt - 200 && et <= wb + 200; }); if( 0 < visibleImages.length ) { visibleImages.one( 'load', function() { $(this).closest( '.element' ).addClass('jg-entry-visible'); }).each( function( el ) { var curEl = $(this) curEl.attr( 'srcset', curEl.attr( 'data-srcset' ) ); curEl.attr( 'src', curEl.attr( 'data-src' ) ); }); itemsToLazyLoad = itemsToLazyLoad.not( visibleImages ); } } }; asyncloader.require( [ 'justifiedgallery', 'waypoints', 'imagesloaded', 'photoswipe' ], function() { justifiedGalleryWrap.each(function () { var $this = jQuery(this), $elements = $this.find('.element'), $options = {}; $options.imageHeight = $this.attr( 'data-image-height' ); $options.gutterWidth = $this.attr( 'data-gutter-width' ); $this.on( 'jg.complete jg.resize', function( event ) { lazyLoad(); $(this).closest( '.justified-gallery-outer-wrap' ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } ); $this.justifiedGallery({ rowHeight : $options.imageHeight, margins : $options.gutterWidth, lastRow : 'nojustify', waitThumbnailsLoad : false, imgSelector : '.thumb-img' }); //$this.imagesLoaded(function () { photoswipe( $this ); directionalHover( $elements ); sequentialReveal( $elements ); if( $this.attr('data-lazy-load') ) { updateLazyLoadItems( $this.find( '.thumb-img' ) ); } }); if(jQuery(".trigger_infinite_scroll.justified_gallery_infinite_scroll").length > 0 && !$body.hasClass('tatsu-frame')) { jQuery(".trigger_infinite_scroll.justified_gallery_infinite_scroll").each(function () { var $this = jQuery(this), $justified_gallery_wrap = $this.closest('.justified-gallery-inner-wrap'), $justified_gallery = $justified_gallery_wrap.find('.justified-gallery'), // $options = $justified_gallery_wrap.data(), $paged = Number( $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-paged') ), $ajaxData = "action=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-action') + "&oshine_nonce=" + oshineModulesConfig.oshinonce + //"&source=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-source') + "&images_arr=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-images-array') + "&items_per_load=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-items-per-load') + "&lazy_load=" + ( $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-lazy-load') || '0' ) + "&hover_style=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-hover-style') + "&img_grayscale=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-image-grayscale') + "&image_effect=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-image-effect') + "&thumb_overlay_color=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-thumb-overlay-color') + "&gradient_style_color=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-grad-style-color') + "&like_button=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-like-button') + "&disable_overlay=" + $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-disable-overlay'); var be_waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: $this, handler: function (direction) { if (direction === 'down') { var $this_waypoint = this, $page_loader = jQuery('.page-loader'); $this_waypoint.disable(); //Disable Waypoint untill Images are Loaded $page_loader.fadeIn(); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajax_url, data: $ajaxData + "&paged=" + $paged , }).done(function (data) { if ( '0' != data ) { var $newItems = jQuery(data); $justified_gallery.on('jg.complete jg.resize', function () { Waypoint.refreshAll(); $this_waypoint.enable(); //Enable Waypoint } ); $justified_gallery.append($newItems).justifiedGallery('norewind'); sequentialReveal($newItems); if( $justified_gallery.attr('data-lazy-load') ) { updateLazyLoadItems($newItems.find('.thumb-img')); } $paged = Number($paged) + 1; $justified_gallery_wrap.attr('data-paged', $paged); $page_loader.fadeOut(); } else { $this_waypoint.destroy(); $this.fadeOut(); $page_loader.fadeOut(); } }); } }, offset: 'bottom-in-view' }) }); } $window.on('scroll', function() { lazyLoad(); }) }); } }, like = function() { jQuery(document).on('click', '.gallery-like .custom-like-button', function (e) { var $this = jQuery(this), $post_id = $this.attr('data-post-id'); // $this.addClass('disable'); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajax_url, dataType: 'json', data: "action=post_like&post_id=" + $post_id + "&oshine_nonce=" + oshineModulesConfig.oshinonce, success : function (msg) { if (msg.status === "success") { if( msg.type === "like" ){ $this.addClass('liked'); $this.removeClass('no-liked'); $this.find('span').text(msg.count); }else{ $this.removeClass('liked'); $this.addClass('no-liked'); $this.find('span').text(msg.count); } } }, error: function (msg) { console.log( "error", msg ); } }); return false; }); }, accordion = function( shouldUpdate ) { var accordionWrap = jQuery( '.accordion' ); if( !shouldUpdate ) { if( accordionWrap.length > 0 ) { accordionWrap.each(function () { var $accordion = jQuery(this), $collapse = Number( $accordion.attr('data-collapsed') ); $accordion.accordion({ collapsible: $collapse, heightStyle: "content", active: false }).css('opacity', 1); }); } }else { if( 0 < accordionWrap.length ) { accordionWrap.each( function() { var accordion = jQuery( this ), collapse = Number( accordion.attr( 'data-collapsed' ) ); if( collapse ) { accordion.accordion( "option", "collapsible", true ); }else{ accordion.accordion( "option", "collapsible", false ); } accordion.accordion( "refresh" ); } ); } } }, tabs = function( shouldUpdate ) { var tabsWrap = jQuery( '.tabs' ); if( !shouldUpdate ) { if(tabsWrap.length > 0) { tabsWrap.tabs({ fx : { opacity : 'toggle', duration : 200 } }).css('opacity', 1); } }else{ if( 0 < tabsWrap.length ) { tabsWrap.tabs( "refresh" ); } } }, services = function() { jQuery(document).on('mouseenter.oshine mouseleave.oshine', '.service-wrap', function (e) { var $this = jQuery(this), $icon = $this.find('.font-icon'), $options = {}; $options.hoverColor = $this.attr( 'data-hover-color' ); $options.hoverBgColor = $this.attr( 'data-hover-bg-color' ); $options.bgColor = $this.attr( 'data-bg-color' ); $options.color = $this.attr( 'data-color' ); 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this.portfolioContainer.css( "visibility", "visible" ); if( !$body.hasClass( 'be-sticky-sections' ) || 960 >= window.innerWidth ) { if( this.portfolioContainer.hasClass( 'style8-blog' ) ) { setTimeout( portfolioScrollReveal.delayReveal, 100 ); }else{ setTimeout( portfolioScrollReveal.delayReveal, 0 ); } initializedPortfolioWithDelayCount++; if( initializedPortfolioWithDelayCount == portfolioWithDelayLoadCount ) { jQuery( window ).trigger( "beDelayLoad" ); } } }else{ this.portfolioContainer.css( "visibility", "visible" ); } if( Number( this.closest_portfolio.hasClass( 'portfolio-lazy-load' ) ) ) { if( !$body.hasClass( 'be-sticky-sections' ) || 960 >= window.innerWidth ) { if( this.portfolioContainer.hasClass( 'style8-blog' ) ) { setTimeout( portfolioLazyReveal.reveal, 200 ); }else{ portfolioLazyReveal.reveal(); } initializedPortfolioWithLazyCount++; if( initializedPortfolioWithLazyCount == portfolioWithLazyLoadCount ) { jQuery( window ).trigger( "beLazyLoad" ); } } } this.initialRender = true; } setTimeout( function(){ Waypoint.refreshAll(); if( delayLoad ) { this.delayLoad( this.elements ); } }.bind( this ), 0 ); }.bind( this )); this.portfolioContainer.isotope( 'layout' ); }, this.delayLoad = function ( $elements ) { var delay = 100; $elements.each( function() { var curElement = jQuery( this ).find( 'img' ); setTimeout( function() { curElement.parent().addClass( 'img-loaded' ); curElement.closest('.flip-wrap').next().addClass('img-loaded'); }, delay ); delay = delay + 200; } ); }, this.portfolioParallaxSetup = function(){ if(this.portfolioContainer.hasClass('portfolio-item-parallax')) { this.portfolioContainer.parentsUntil('.be-section').css('overflow', 'visible'); this.portfolioContainer.closest('.be-section').css('overflow', 'visible'); this.portfolioContainer.css('overflow', 'visible').find('.element').css('overflow', 'visible'); } }, this.triggerResize = function() { this.setColumnWidth(); this.multiGridSetup( null, true ); this.applyIsotope( false ); } }, portfolioMainModule = function( portfolio ){ var portfolioModuleInst = [], i = 0; // Loop for Each Portfolio Item portfolio.each(function () { // Default Portfolio Layout portfolioModuleInst[i] = new portfolioModule(); portfolioModuleInst[i].init( jQuery(this) ); portfolioModuleInst[i].prepareToFireIsotope(); portfolioModuleInst[i].portfolioParallaxSetup(); // Increment loop Counter i++; }); //End of Loop }, paginationData = function(triggerParam, portfolioParam, elementParam) { var $this = portfolioParam, $trigger = triggerParam, $ajaxData = ''; switch(elementParam){ case 'portfolio' : $ajaxData = "action=" + $this.attr("data-action") + "&oshine_nonce=" + oshineModulesConfig.oshinonce + "&category=" + $this.attr("data-category") + "&masonry=" + $this.attr("data-enable-masonry") + "&showposts=" + $this.attr("data-showposts") + "&col=" + $this.attr("data-col") + "&gallery=" + $this.attr("data-gallery") + "&filter=" + $this.attr("data-filter") + "&meta_to_show=" + $this.attr("data-meta_to_show") + "&placeholder_color" + $this.attr("data-placeholder-color") + "&show_filters=" + $this.attr("data-show_filters") + "&thumb_overlay_color=" + $this.attr("data-thumbnail-bg-color") + "&title_style=" + ( $this.attr("data-title-style") || "") + "&title_color=" + $this.attr("data-title-color") + "&cat_color=" + $this.attr("data-cat-color") + "&title_animation_type=" + ( $this.attr("data-title-animation-type") || "" ) + "&cat_animation_type=" + ( $this.attr("data-cat-animation-type") || "" ) + "&gutter_width=" + Number( $this.attr("data-gutter-width") ) + "&hover_style=" + ( $this.attr("data-hover-style") || "" ) + "&img_grayscale=" + $this.attr("data-img-grayscale") + "&image_effect=" + ( $this.attr("data-image-effect") || "" ) + "&gradient_style_color=" + $this.attr("data-gradient-style-color") + "&cat_hide=" + $this.attr("data-cat-hide") + "&like_button=" + $this.attr("data-like-indicator") + "&placeholder_color=" + $this.attr( "data-placeholder-color" ) + "&prebuilt_hover_style=" + ( $this.attr( "data-prebuilt-hover-style" ) || "" ); 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'style3' : 'style8' ) + "&total_items=" + $trigger.attr('data-total-items') ; return $ajaxData; } }, infiniteScroll = function( triggerParam, portfolioParam, pagedParam, elementTypeParam ) { var $this = triggerParam, $portfolio = portfolioParam, $paged = pagedParam; var be_waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: $this, handler: function (direction) { if (direction === 'down') { var $this_waypoint = this, $page_loader = jQuery('.page-loader'); $this_waypoint.disable(); //Disable Waypoint untill Images are Loaded $page_loader.fadeIn(); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajax_url, data: paginationData( $this, $portfolio, elementTypeParam) + "&paged=" + $paged }).done(function (data) { if (data !== 0 && data !== '0' && data) { var $newItems = jQuery(data).filter( function() { return 1 == this.nodeType; }), $portfolioInstance = $portfolio.data( "oshinePortfolio" ); if( $portfolio.hasClass( 'be-portfolio-prebuilt-hover-style3' ) ) { tiltHoverEffect( $newItems.find( '.thumb-wrap' ) ); } $portfolioInstance.elements = $portfolioInstance.elements.add( $newItems ); 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'Chrome' : false; }, tiltHoverEffect = function( elements ) { if( 0 < jQuery( '.be-portfolio-prebuilt-hover-style3' ).length ) { asyncloader.require( 'tilt', function() { var targetElements = elements || jQuery( '.be-portfolio-prebuilt-hover-style3' ).closest( '.portfolio-all-wrap' ).css( 'overflow', 'visible' ).find( '.thumb-wrap' ), targetBrowser = detectBrowser(); if( 'string' == typeof targetBrowser && ( 'Edge' == targetBrowser || 'IE' == targetBrowser ) ) { return; }else if( 'string' == typeof targetBrowser && 'Safari' == targetBrowser ) { targetElements.find( '.thumb-shadow-wrapper' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); if( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'be-fixed-footer' ) ) { jQuery( '#be-fixed-footer-wrap' ).css( 'position', 'relative' ); jQuery( '#be-fixed-footer-placeholder' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); jQuery( 'body' ).removeClass( 'be-fixed-footer' ); jQuery( 'body' ).addClass( 'be-fixed-footer-disable' ); } } targetElements.tilt({ glare : true, maxGlare : 0.3, perspective : 1000, speed : 4000, maxTilt : 10, scale : 1.05 }); 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